What are keywords?
Keyword – a phrase consisting of one or more words that users enter into the search engine. Keywords are part of a website and help search engines match the page to the relevant query. Appropriate selection of keywords is the basic step to creating a comprehensive online advertising strategy.
In SEO, keywords are used to create a keyword analysis in order to optimize the content on the website. Thanks to appropriately selected keywords that are frequently searched, you increase the chance of getting more organic traffic.
Table of Contents
Keywords can be divided into several types, including:
These are keywords containing the name of a given brand, e.g. “adidas shoes”, “nike”, “adidas vs nike” etc.
These are general keywords, often with high search volume but relatively low conversion rates, e.g .:
● furniture
● shoes
● dresses
These are less competitive keywords, usually with a few words and higher conversion rates. Higher conversion is caused, among others, by the fact that in order to hit a given page by typing a keyword from the “long tail”, you usually need to know exactly what you are looking for. So if a given subpage reflects exactly what we entered – the chance of converting is much greater.
Examples of these types of keywords include:
● men’s red winter boots
● black men’s watch with brown strap
● women’s spring wedge shoes
In the present article, I would like to present 7 tools that greatly facilitate the creation of an analysis.
The first, main tool I would like to describe is the Keyword Planner. It is not my favorite tool, but it is from Google and basically other tools are based on it. The current appearance of the tool is as follows (as of 11/23/2021):
Its main goal is to prepare the right words for Google Ads ads, but for the analysis of keywords typically for SEO, it is also suitable to some extent.
In order to use this tool for SEO, we can use two options:
● check the number of keyword searches we already have prepared
● create keywords based on:
○ keywords that we enter – then the algorithm will suggest related keywords
○ receive a list of proposed keywords based on the domain that we enter in the appropriate field
In order to get a keyword suggestion, go to: Discover New Keywords
Then, after entering the initial keywords or domains, we will receive keyword ideas along with the number of searches (by default, this value is given in ranges, but to get a specific number, you must have an active Google Ads campaign).
In order to get the number of searches for the keywords you are typing (without suggestions), go to the Get search volume and forecasts and enter all keywords in the field below:
Personally, I practically do not use this tool at all to create keyword analyzes for SEO, but in my opinion it is still worth describing, because any changes in it will probably also affect other tools that use the API of this Planner.
Another tool from Google is Google Trends. The tool is used to research the trends of a given keyword or topic. For example, to find out what the trends are for the query “men’s shoes”, enter that keyword in the field below:
Next, we should choose the language and location where the query trends will be presented. This tool also suggests keywords related to a given query / topic:
We can also add another keyword to the query for comparison to illustrate the popularity profile:
We can check trends directly from the search engine results, but also separately from the image search engine, news, purchases and YouTube.
We will not perform a comprehensive keyword analysis in this tool, but to supplement the existing analysis in order to prioritize – in this aspect, this tool should work perfectly.
This is my favorite keyword research tool. The tool panel looks as follows:
Let’s focus mainly on the keyword aspects.
Personally, I start the keyword analysis by downloading all the keywords that rank for websites that compete with the one I am analyzing and the one for which I am analyzing.
To do this, after entering the domain address in the appropriate field, go to the “Organic keywords” section:
and perform the export, selecting the location beforehand and possibly excluding the branded keywords (if the number of keywords is too large to do a full export). If, after selecting a location and excluding branded keywords, we are still unable to perform a full export, we can exclude keywords that have fewer searches than “x”, with “x” being a number that allows for export. So we check whether we can do full export after subtracting keywords with less than 20 searches. If not, we check the exclusion of keywords with searches less than 30, etc.
To do this, use the filters shown in the image above just below the “Organic Keywords” heading (above the keywords listing).
If we already export all competing domains, a good option would be to create one list of them and remove duplicate keywords that are very likely to occur, considering that we are checking the competition, so related keywords should be present. To separate keywords, remove duplicates etc. we can use many ways – regular expressions, Excel functions, JavaScript, online tools etc. (This topic is a bit more extensive, so in this article I will assume that this aspect is not a problem).
Having a list of separate keywords, a good option will be to remove keywords that do not match the domain for which we are creating the analysis and grouping similar keywords to create appropriate thematic clusters. It is very important to maintain an appropriate thematic link, additionally reinforced with appropriate internal linking, because then our website performs favorably in the Google Topical Authority algorithm – it is very important in terms of SEO and proper implementation gives tangible results.
The analyzes resulting from Ahrefs.com are used to create a “base”, which I then expand, among others using a tool like KWFinder. This tool suggests keywords in a quite useful way (Ahrefs also does it, but for this purpose I personally prefer KWFinder – I have the impression that the algorithm for matching keywords is slightly better in this tool).
In order to select similar keywords, enter the keyword in the search engine and select the location and language in which you want to receive the hints:
The tool will also show the number of searches and other factors (which, however, at this level of analysis are not necessary):
We can also use the keyword hint section based on the domain we enter, however, compared to the previously described Ahrefs.com tool, KWFinder handles this aspect much worse in my opinion.
Having a fairly extensive analysis, it would be a good idea to enrich it with questions that the user could ask. This aspect will additionally be useful for voice search.
In addition to questions related to a given password, the tool also displays the phrases that users are searching for and are suggested by Google when entering the password in the search engine:
The tool has a very simple and useful algorithm – in my opinion it is ideal for extending the analysis.
The last tool described is Keywordtool.io. This soft is in a way very similar to Ubersuggest.io, but it gives the number of searches for all the proposed keywords.
The tool can also exclude keywords related to a given query (“Negative Keywords”), if we enter them in the field below
We can use it, for example, to exclude brand keywords.
In addition, the tool will also suggest keywords searched on websites other than the Google search engine, for example:
● YouTube
● Bing
● Amazon
● eBay
● Play Store
In this tool, we can also check the number of searches for selected keywords and analyze the competition in terms of keywords:
There are many tools on the market to help optimize content for SEO and a good option is to use many of them in order to perform a thorough and reliable analysis as well as possible, which will result in an increase in the position for keywords that are important to us.
SEO expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has worked for many international companies known globally, creator of the Boostsite.com algorithms.
SEO expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has worked for many international companies known globally, creator of the Boostsite.com algorithms.
Marcin Gaworski